I am a watercolour artist living in the beautiful Hampshire countryside. I began painting seven years ago when I retired from teaching children with Special Educational Needs. I joined the Alresford Art Society and began my watercolour journey. I took classes with the Art Society enjoying a variety of tutors who taught the basics. In my hunger to learn more I attended workshops with Ann Blockley, Jean Haines, Alison Board and Julia Cassels which I found inspirational. I enjoy lots of colour and like to capture movement in my work. I take inspiration from the flora and fauna where I live. I have exhibited with the Alresford Art Society and The Winchester Art Group. I have won 'The Peoples Choice' award twice with the Alresford Art Society. My paintings have been used for Christmas cards for Winchester Gold Charity and this year I won a Christmas Card Competition with 'The Leisure Painter' magazine. I mainly sell my paintings from home.I don't think watercolour is easy but totally absorbing and addictive. There is such a lot to learn but I love the challenge.