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About : Glenys Garnett Creative Images - Artist and Photographer based in Wakefield, Yorkshire

I am a photographer and digital artist living in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

Most of my work involves the natural environment and I make use of a range of different photographic and digital techniques including ICM (in camera movement), Multiple Exposure and compositing to produce my images.

It is important for me to capture the landscape and say something about the environment I live in and produce work that is both meaningful and evocative and is representive of a time and place.

I have a First Class Honours Degree in Graphic Communications which I obtained from Batley School of Art & Design and Leeds Metropolitan University.

You can read more about me and view more of my work on my website at

I also have a Youtube Channel where I show how I develop my work and produce instructional videos on some of the techniques I use to produce my art.  

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