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About : Fleur Barnfather - Artist based in South Wales

About Artist Fleur Barnfather:  



As Fleur paints, another dimension of life leaps onto the canvas eager to Shimmer, Pulsate, and reveal its Unique nature. 

Truly, some people on experiencing Fleur's pictures have been moved to tears or felt thrilling goose bumps. Emotions are stirred in a similar way to when one sometimes hears a piece of music that just seems to command time to stand still, touching something deep inside us.

People have also expressed that Fleur's greetings cards have a simlar inspiring affect, whether bought for personal use, or sent to a relative or freind.  


A wonderful lady - Molly Harvey - said Fleur's paintings are “much needed in the world”.  Why? Because they energise all that is great, beautiful and magnificent about this life on planet earth.  

Here are some thoughts that admirers of my work have shared with Fleur…

“Fleur’s work is beyond inspirational. Her paintings tell a profound story of human passion and potential. I fell in love at first sight with Fleur’s work and the affair continues unashamedly!”
Dawn Codrington-Virture - Director of Impressions Training and Development Ltd and Founder of Diva Leaders


“Fleur is more than an artist and is more than a visionary interpreting the flow of consciousness. In her own right, she is the bringing of consciousness to Living Art ~ colour and form will never look the same again."
Santari Green – New Visionaries


"When I first saw Fleur's work, I was captivated by the pulsating energy shining through her pictures.” 
Christine Marsh – Director of Prime Objectives 



Instagram: fleurbarnfatherart

Facebook: Paintings of Brilliance by Fleur Barnfather 

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