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About : Lynda James - Artist based in Penzance, Cornwall

Cornish roadsides are wild and abundant, fashioned by the mild wet winters and it is these lush lanes that form the inspiration for most of my art work. Whilst I make no attempt to reproduce the actual plants on my wanderings, I do try to capture the soul of the Cornish lanes, woods and gardens.

I work mainly with wallpaper but sometimes incorporate magazine pictures, maps, tissue paper and book pages, sewing them onto a backing of wallpaper. I use a basic sewing machine with one or two embroidery sttitches for variety. This is because I can dismantle a basic sewing machine and service it myself if it gets jammed with paper dust.

Usually I make a rough sketch first and then set about selecting colours and patterns to see how they 'feel' together. Sometimes I have no sketch and work directly onto a backing, selecting pieces of paper at random until the result is a pleasing mix of shapes and colours. whichever way I start, getting the composition right is crucial, sometimes it happens before I sew and other times I build up the picture as I go along.  

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