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About : Sahar Imran - Artist based in Northwood, London

  • London based artist and mother of two, fulfilling her lifelong dream of studying art. Currently studying in the final year of BA Hons Mixed Media Fine Art.

    Fleeting moments, familiar sights, my family and my memories become the essence of my work. My work lingers between past and present. I want to keep the memories fresh and don’t want the present to slip out of my hands. Through my work I attempt to relive the past moments and seize the present ones. My paintings are tinged with nostalgia and sometimes fear of loss. They are a celebration of all that is around us and is taken for granted. I try to construct another realm which is recognisable and unfamiliar at the same time; where my memories exist in contented captivity. Hovering between figurative and abstract, I draw inspiration from landscapes and familial influences. I primarily work with oils and acrylics, combining other material like charcoal, acrylic mediums, impasto gel, thread and gold leaf into the composition. Colours articulate my sentiments with their warm and cool associations.

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