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About : Teresa Munn Ceramics - Artist based in North Hampshire

I live in rural Hampshire, and my work has been inspired by long walks through our beautiful downland and coastal scenery.

  I am a keen photographer, often capturing textures and patterns which then reappear in some guise in my ceramics.North Wales

  I am fascinated by our relationship with the landscapes of our lives - the feelings and memories evoked by special places.

  My work is based on my own memories, and the memories of those who have shared their special places with me.

  I write with clay, intrigued by the shapes and shadows cast by 3 dimensional script. Shadows move with the light, echoing our hazy,  shifting memories of experiences. Works employ my own words or extracts of classical & contemporary poetry, exploring our relationships with landscape, and the memories stored within.

  You can see my work at Ceramic Art Whitway any Wednesday from 11am to 4pm - it's a working Studio with displays of local ceramics, or visit my website 


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