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About : Catherine Hyde - Artist and Illustrator based in Helston, Cornwall



She is, if you will, a visual poet weaving images, symbols and archetypes into paintings that resonate in the subconscious and linger there like half-remembered dreams or the dark fairy stories with which she has such affiliation’. Pip Palmer, Galleries Magazine

Artist and award-winning illustrator Catherine Hyde trained in Fine Art Painting at the Central School of Art, London.  She lives in Cornwall with her family and exhibits and sells her atmospheric and symbolic work in galleries far and wide.   All her picture books have been nominated for the prestigious Kate Greenaway Award and she was winner of the best Illustrated Book Award (key stage 2) for The Princess' Blankets by Carol Ann Duffy.  


'My paintings strive to create an atmosphere that touches upon the liminal, evoking visceral sensations, moments or memories of being the watcher in the landscape, witness to the wild movements of birds and animals.

Over time I have found that the boundaries between my painting and my illustration have become happily mixed, referencing books and words in my paintings and bringing as many painterly qualities to my illustrations as possible'






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