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About : Jane Tomlinson - Artist and Illustrator based in Eynsham, Oxfordshire

My inspiration can be anything from world around us: animals and birds, trees and plants, landscapes and stones, and sometimes even whole continents. I am fascinated by the natural sciences, history, geography, literature and typography.

My first love is watercolour, but I make frequent forays into other media such as inks, printmaking, acrylics. I love vibrant colour, don't you?

I'm bonkers about maps. I am a member of the British Cartographic Society, but I am not a trained map-maker; my quirky maps take people to places in my imagination.

I was born and bred in Stratford-upon-Avon, and I now live and work in West Oxfordshire. I do hope like what you see. Want more? Have a look at my website.

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