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About : Julie May - Artist based in Chippenham, Wiltshire 

I am an artist living and working in Wiltshire, but was raised in a very rural part of north Herefordshire. Because of my upbringing my heart is embedded in our beautiful British Countryside. I have spent and continue to spend many joyful hours walking our fantastic hills, vales and seashores and soaking up our amazing seasonality. My sense of awe and wonder about our landscape is very much alive in me and constantly inspires my painting.


My early art education was in very skills based disciplines including calligraphy and botanical drawing and tint work. This suited my eye for detail and it gave me a good grounding. In the 80’s I started exploring more experimental techniques and enjoyed working in a much freer way. I like to use a range of media in my work, but have a particular interest in working with acrylic, watercolours, inks and pastels. 


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