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About : Wendy White - Artist based in Bridgwater, Somerset


About: Wendy C White - Artist (Part-time) based in Wembdon, Nr Bridgwater, Somerset. 

Art was Wendy's favourite subject at school & college, but life circumstances did not allow her to pursue her dream of becoming a full time artist.

Now retired from a career in IT Wendy has been able to re-kindle her love of art and is inspired by the beautiful Somerset countryside and beyond to places she has visited for work & pleasure.

Mostly self taught,  Wendy works mainly in watercolour, pencils and mixed media, she also enjoys experimenting with collage.  Her process typically starts from initial sketches from life or photographs which she develops into ideas for paintings to be completed in her garden studio.

Wendy is a member of several art communities & groups where her work has been exhibited. She is also studying art via online courses, and private tuition.









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