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About : Stephen Powlesland arts - Artist and Illustrator based in Bradford on avon, Wiltshire

Stephen Powlesland is a visual artist, poet and writer. He studied art at Kingsway college, London, Wimbledon school of art, Wimbledon, London and finally completed a Batchelor of arts degree in fine art in 1984.

Since then he has had five one-man exhibitions of paintings and stalls on two arts fairs. He has sold fourteen paintings and one silk screen print to art collectors.

In 2015, he moved into graphic design and has worked on four major projects, including a collection of t-shirt designs, two projects illustrating children's books and the cover for a novelette.

He has taken part in several small creative writing classes and groups. He has had poems and short stories published in two self published books and also in accessional small magazines.

Since moving from London to Bradford on Avon, in 2016, He has been working on three major projects:

Marketing the collection of greetings cards that are available on this site.

A series of studies of the local environment.

A book for small children titled “A Dream Around the World” which he he has written and illustrated him self (so far there has been no interest from publishers). 

For the moment, I am using Flickr as an online portfolio. If you would like to see more of my work and sample pages from my book then please use the link below:

I suggest going straight to “albums” where you will find my work in neat files, which can also be viewed as slide show 

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