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About : Rachel Ward - Artist based in Bath, Somerset

Rachel Ward is a writer and artist, who lives in Bath. She started painting a few years ago, after a break of thirty years, and enjoys experimenting with different styles and media. Currently, she paints with acrylics en plein air, and oils in the 'studio', working on landscapes, seascapes, portraits and interiors. She also enjoys using charcoal and pastels to do animal sketches and portraits. 

She takes photographs when out and about every day, and often tweets photos of Bath and its surroundings (@RachelWardbooks). 

'I feel like photography and painting have opened my eyes to the colour and light around me. It's almost like I was living in black and white before. I don't try to paint photographically, but to capture the feel of a place, or at least, how it feels to me.' 

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