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About : John Menage - Artist based in Bath, Somerset

 John Ménage – BiographyBorn London 18/02/1944Studied art and architecture at Edinburgh School of Art.Was awarded Diploma in Architecture and elected as a member of The Royal Institute of British Architects.Qualifications - Da/Edin RIBA. (Now retired from Architecture.)Have taken up full time painting since retiring, however he has from childhood drawn and painted.Moved from London to Rome where he worked with interior designers for top ranking clients. Loves Italy where he has returned to many times as shown by his paintings of Italy and Greece.Lived in Dublin Ireland for approximately 14 years. Exhibited at the Combridge gallery Dublin.Moved to Bath. Exhibited mixture of oils and watercolours at the Ginger Gallery Bristol.Currently selling prints & originals via his web site.,from Pitch 26 Bath and also from the new Imagination art gallery in Bath.  

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