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About : Anthony Stapleton - Artist based in Bath & North East Somerset

 Anthony Stapleton, b.1958, is based at Bath Artists' Studios 

Anthony's artmaking has modernist & post-modern references: Neo-expressionism, Abstract expressionism, Dada, Surrealism, & Art Brut. He has a special feeling for Outsider Art as he is mainly self taught, & also for the works of Cecil Collins & Leonora Carrington. His work is grounded in the arts of performance, physical theatre, mime, movement, dance, masks, the Fool, acting, circus skills, tumbling, juggling, Clown, & so on, which informs the way the studio space is used.

Crucible: Like the vessel of an alchemist, immersed in combining materials, working them through the hands &, with thought, onto surfaces, the artist uses the materials: acrylic, watercolour, gouache, oils, ink, pastel, charcoal, dust, wood, paper, bits & pieces to make a new contemplative substance. There is an explosive playfulness with the materials which creates layered & sculptured effects in the work. The artist's intention is to draw the eyes, thought & physical presence of the viewer deeper into the unconscious mind so as to consider what really is underlying the process of what we think is factual & real.

See more of Anthony's work: eyeseastories: 

Outside In: 


Bath Artists' Studios: 

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