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About : Adele Pound Art - Artist based in Ballygowan, Down

I am a wildlife artist and keen birdwatcher. I work in acrylic, watercolour, drawing, collage and cut paper.Fieldwork and drawing from life is central to my practice. This is a creative endeavour in itself and a way ofgenerating resource material. Studying wildlife in it's natural habitat is a crucial process which drives the ideas that inform the development of new work..

I am fortunate to live in Northern Ireland where we are visited by birds from as far north as the arctic circle and as far south as Africa and south America. This seasonal coming and going has be part of life and culture here for as long as there have been people to witness it. I am just the latest in a long line of “watchers”. The birds likewise are the latest in generations that go back into the far distant past.


More of my work, news and more about me can be found on my website

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