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About : Jonathan Foster - Artist, Illustrator and Photographer based in Axbridge, Somerset

Welcome to my section of 'love from the artist'. You are invited to explore a wide range of my work and hopefully find something that appeals, or inspires.

Fine Artist
I have been drawn to west Cornwall for many years as an escape from the pressures of work. The landscape has helped me access my inner-self, through immersive, reflective walks through the coastal landscape. Capturing this landscape through photography, discovering emotion behind the lens and re-calibrating my relationship with the landscape has inspired me to create high-definition studio paintings using layered paint and subtle washes to reveal in meticulous detail; the dynamic colour, texture and drama of this honest, unforgiving and beautiful part of the country.
Having recently retired from teaching art, I have expanded my approach to mark-making, working plein-air to enjoy the immediacy and freshness it offers. I am looking forward to bringing this passion to the the Somerset landscape.
Harnessing my life-long interest in technology has found me exploring the iPad and the medium of digital art as another creative tool. Work produced has been selected for exhibitions in Cornwall, Bristol and London (for more information please visit my website at:

Textile Designer 
Originally from Somerset, I was educated in Wells and at the Somerset College of Art. As a textile designer, I worked first in London and then moved to Paris to work in an acclaimed design studio. I learned and developed a distinctive style of design which was sold to clients across Europe and the rest of the world. On this site, you will find a category entitled 'Vintage Decorative Arts' which showcases a selection of vintage designs that I created in the 1970s, initially intended for furnishing and fashion fabrics. I am currently working on my archive of Kashmiri and Paisley influenced designs to make a new catagory of work available.

Photographer and Digital Artist
Photography has served me well over the years. I have come a long way from the SLR and darkroom-in-my-shed days and now enjoy the versatility that digital photography brings. I have started sharing just a few images to 'wet your appetite'. I look forward to sharing with you more images of some of the spectacular scenery of west Cornwall which I have taken over the last twenty years, and a fresh range of original digital images and designs from my new base in Somerset.

Waltham Abbey Archive
I am pleased to be able to bring to this site just a few of the 1000s of archive photographs from The Waltham Abbey Archive. This collection is the result of donations from the people of the town who understand their history, the stories they tell, and the importance of keeping the history alive by sharing them. Most of the images have been collected and archived and form The Ray Sears Collection.
I worked and collaborated with Ray for nearly 40 years resulting in multiple exhibitions of our archive photographs. Ray and I were honoured by the Town Council by being made 'Freeman' of the town in recognition of our work to collect, archive and share the town's social history across the community.

You can visit our website where you can explore a selection of our images, or order some of our books. If you have any suggestions for new cards, have images you would like to donate, or a general enquiry please contact us through: 

For any other questions or queries regarding my fine art, digital art, photography or vintage decorative arts products, please contact me:   07771-903093

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