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About : Crispin Cottage Originals - Artist based in Aston Village, Hertfordshire

I have recently retired as a primary assistant head teacher.  I loved my teaching career but now I am able to devote my time to my other passion - art!  

Drawing has always been my go-to form of relaxation.  It totally absorbs me and clears my mind.  Possibly as a result of my early career as a tool designer in mechanical engineering, I particularly enjoy detail in a picture and this has led me towards making realistic drawings of animals and wildlife in colour pencils.  Fur and  feather are enjoyable challenges and I continually develop my style by observing closely to reference photographs and talking with other artists. 

I belong to an informal local art group where we meet each week to paint and draw together.  I have exhibited at several locations in recent years and have been commisioned to draw portraits of loved pets by their owners.  Now, encouraged by friends and family, I am selling original pieces, prints and cards. 

Deborah Dowie 



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