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LFTA's Christmas 2023 - New Work by New Artists

14PaperBoats (Maria Taylor)
14PaperBoats (Maria Taylor)
Angela Cater
Angela Cater
Anna Margie Art
Anna Margie Art
Art By Doz
Art By Doz
Debbie De Mornay Penny
Debbie De Mornay Penny
Emma Louise Photography
Emma Louise Photography
Joan Aitchison
Joan Aitchison
Kate Barry Photography
Kate Barry Photography
Kate Garrett
Kate Garrett
Natalie Swan
Natalie Swan
Rachael Jane MacDonald
Rachael Jane MacDonald
SP Wildlife Art (Sophie Parkhill)
SP Wildlife Art (Sophie Parkhill)
Wild Wise and Beautiful (Melanie Ward)
Wild Wise and Beautiful (Melanie Ward)

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